A One Minute Hound

To Baker Street hastens a doctor
A fearful tale there to unfold:
The death of Sir Charles from sheer horror,
A hound sized to make blood run cold.

Sir Henry arrives from the New World
Assuming the Baskerville line.
Mysterious hands at his lodgings
Seizeboots he has put out to shine.

Commitments tie Holmes down to London,
So Watson sets off on the spoor.
To Devon, with Barrymores acting
And lights late at night on the moor.

A man of convictions named Selden
Is dogged to a terrible end.
The Stapletons both are perplexing.
Poor Watson soon misses his friend.

Lo, Holmes is not long in appearing,
Revealing his own plans to spy,
And all of the secrets and curses
He'sfathomed while hidden nearby.

Sir Henry, in love, goes to dinner,
His scent now a grim kind of bait
For villain and beast as the fog swirls
When homeward he strolls from his date.

The climax is properly chilling,
When Holmes his revolver must fire,
Destroying the hound, while its master
Escapes to his grave - Grimpen Mire.

Donald A. Yates, B.S.I.